Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yellow Journalism Today

This picture is another prime example of Yellow Journalism. This cartoon displays the Pakistan Government/Army/Spy systems, and all of them are making excuses on why they couldn't find him. But this makes them look sarcastic and suspicious, as if they knew where he was, and just hid him the whole time. This cartoon just makes the American public want to believe that Pakistan knew where Bin Laden was the whole time. 

Yellow Journalism in the Spanish American War

This Cartoon displays a prime example of Yellow Journalism, a biased opinion masquerading as objective fact, during the Spanish American War. In this photo, it shows a Spanish man showing Spanish "politeness" while in the background, there is a ship sinking. This is an example of Yellow Journalism because during the pre-era of the SPanish AMerican War, the journalist, and cartoonist displayed the SPanish as terrible, crooked people. This could possibly be showing the USS-MAINE being sunk during its friendly visit to the Havana Harbor. Although it really wasn't Spain who sunk it, it was a boiler being blown up on the ship.